Disaster <disaster@disfanfic.net> wrote in message
> "Vaughn L.Porter" <vaughnp@pcez.com> wrote:
> > Disaster <disaster@disfanfic.net> wrote:
> > > "Vaughn L.Porter" <vaughnp@pcez.com> wrote:
> > > >                          Light cannot exist without Dark.
> > >
> > > We are talking about NGE here, not fantasy excuses in the real world
> used
> > > by those who need to justify their sins rather then repent to those
> they
> > > sinned against.
> >
> > I am SO confused!
> That phrase you used was created by people basically who needed an excuse
> to justify the evil in their world. It's an easy way out, not worthy of
> consideration. And it make me sick just looking at it. It is false and
> offends me with it's mere existence.
What doesn't offend you? But I apologise.

> > > (NOTE: I use the term sin for the sake of arugment not as a reference
> to
> > > any religious sect or cult but it's more political basis in where the
> > > fundamentals are more or less similar.)
> > >
> > "Star Trek" is a Religion/Cult?
> > "Star Wars" maybe...
> I am being serious! Those are movies, which at best reflect an aspect of
> political thinking of the age in which they were created. By political
> thinking I mean the general thoughts and consensus of the culture at the
> time. This is not what I meant before hand. In the world we can split
> thinking from mob groups into two sections. Religious and political.
> Religious thinking stems from the idea that there is a higher power and
> from that higher power we receive higher morals and ethics that should
> rule our lives. Political thinking has no higher power and instead uses
> the combined wisdom of the mob to determine the morals and ethics that
> should rule out lives. In both scenario's there is a lot of room for
> interpretation and because unlike me many people do not believe in God (a
> higher power) I use the political view point as a common ground. Think of
> Science versus the Bible. In this case though there is no Creation theory.
Wow! Your stock just took off with me. Very impressive dissertation.
Seriously. Maybe you should consider politics. Or at the very least,

> > > Light may indeed outshine any darkness and banish it utterly.
> Likewise,
> > > Good may exist without evil, it is your choice, in your hands to
> decide
> > > what you shall do with your intentions.
> >
> > I quote Asuka:"Hmmm, philosophy."
> > Have you considered going on a Lecture Tour?
> Does it pay? It does pay here but I've gone on enough of them! ;)
Hell, yes, it pays, if you do two things:

    1) come up with a topic people want to hear about

    2) charge them up the yin-yang to hear you.

Also write a book you can sell to those sheep..er I mean your audience.

> I wonder if Morgan will read this? I also wonder if he'll miss the message
> because he can't get over the fact that I think I'm right.
> --
> Carpe Jugulum
> Disaster
> Disaster's Fan Fiction - http://www.disfanfic.net
> DSE - For the Public - http://www.disfanfic.net/DSE
> JAE FAQ - http://www.evafaq.com
> Pen^3's JAE FAQ - http://faq.pen3.cjb.net
> Convention Reports - http://www.disfanfic.net/conventions

Come to think of it, I haven't heard much from Morgan for awhile. I think
you scared him off.

                      Vaughn L.Porter
                       You naughty boy!