"BigRed" <pjshanno@yahoo.com> wrote:
> Wow, it has quieted down here since the last time I posted. Hopefully
> will liven things up a little bit. I am working on my first Eva fanfic
and I
> figured I would post the first two chapters here for some C&C.  I am
> planning to post it to RAAC and Fanfiction.net but the latter is down
and I
> want to finish it before I put it on the former. so here it is. see the
> below posts.

A little advice. Don't post your fics into the group. Post links to them
or whatever but it was agreed that actually sending the fic itself into
here is bad!
Kind regards
Disaster's Fan Fiction  - http://www.disfanfic.net
JAE FAQ                     - http://www.evafaq.com
Pen^3's JAE FAQ       - http://faq.pen3.cjb.net