> > So the most that you know is that it looks like it has some
> > to C.
> Correct. Look at the current C-like languages.

I'd rather not, those tend to give me headaches.

> > > > Do you know if there are any programs that are secret and that you
> > > > have not been made aware of, because they are secret?
> > >
> > > There's no reason for a programming language to be secret.
> >
> > The reason is not the important here. What is worth keeping secret in
> > opinion is not a consideration to someone else who has made a secret
> > because they felt that they needed to keep it secret. Heh, I bet that
> > probably haven't even heard of you.
> Again: even if the programming language is secret, it is still readable
> code (that's what a programming language is for). So anyone can read and
> understand the program in the unknown language - all that's missing is a
> compiler. But of course one can transform a source code in an unknown
> langugage into a source code in a known one.
> So if you see:
> define f<integer> {x<integer>}
>   pow {x, 2} + 17 --> y<integer>
>   x * y --> f
> define g<integer> {x<string>}
>   %% push &x
>   %% call atoi
>   %% mov &g, @result
> you exactly know what f and g do.

Actually! I don't! I don't understand that at all.

> Even this is understandable:

Not to me! :/

> That's a programming language I invented for my calculator: an
> easy-to-interpret, but hard-to-read language. But from what you see you
> can conclude the meaning of every symbol.

No I can't!

> So there is no point of having a secret programming language: as soon as
> someone gets some source code written in it, the language is revealed,
> and if nobody gets source written in it, he only has the description of
> the language (not even a compiler) and cannot do any harm using it
> (not more harm than using assembler).

Then don't let anyone get the source code!

> > > > It's perfectly plausible that the MAGI use their own language
> > > > especially as they have very special and unique processors.
> > >
> > > If you call it an own language because some small things (like the
> > > library or some keywords) have changed: Yes.
> >
> > No, I have no idea what is involved in a programming language, I just
> > that the MAGI are very different to anything we have to day.
> It is, and I did not say the visible thing was MAGI's programming
> language. More like a macro language for the control terminals.

Fine, I think I picked up on this later anyhow.

> > Different
> > things talk and understand processes differently. This needs a
> > suited to that. The MAGI run very unique activities too. A custom
> > would not surprise me.
> A programming language suitable for MAGI cannot be structured like C,
> because there is no real control flow. Especially it cannot look like C
> (indentation).
> > > > So what? I say that the MAGI use there own language. Why? Because
> > > > can't determine which they use for sure and they are very unique
> > > > specialized units.
> > >
> > > Probably not really "an own language". It seems more like a language
> > > derived from a current one.
> >
> > An evolved entity is still it's own entity. That which is derived from
> > is no longer C.
> Therefore C is not C because there are different standards about it:
> K&R, ANSI C, ANSI C99.

Well C is C. But something other then C is not C

> > > If you design a new language that is not derived from a current one,
> > > won't find programmers learning it.
> >
> > Which is a good reason why NERV would use it in the first place.
> Security by obscurity is no security concept at all. They aren't that
> stupid.

It is one concept. It is also a good concept! Sometimes necessary. I don't
know where you learnt otherwise but go beat the crap out of them.

> Anyone can read the source of GPG, but did anyone break the encryption?
> Nobody except MS knows the Internet Explorer source, but there are known
> security holes?

Well, what about those people who have stolen the source?

> > > A big project like MAGI
> > > cannot be done if the programmers first have to learn a completely
> > > programming language.
> >
> > Of course it can! You just need to train them in the new language
> That costs too much time.

They had time!
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