"Rudolf Polzer" <AntiATField_adsgohere@durchnull.de> wrote:
> Scripsit illa aut ille Disaster <disaster@disfanfic.net>:
> > So what that tells me is that you are supporting a movement to make
> > plaintext as evil as HTML?
> No. HTML is not evil because of quoted printable.
> The problem is: RFCs recommend to always encode 8bit characters in some
> way since not every server can transport them. Possible encodings are
> quoted-printable and base64. The latter is not good because it is not
> human-readable, so if the character set is an overset of us-ascii,
> quoted-printable is the best.
> So it's - according to many documents - better to post in
> quoted-printable than in 8bit. But as long as there are no characters
> that need the encoding, 7bit is the best choice - currently my header
> states 8bit, but the 8th bit is not used (which is normal in English).
> BTW: I do not know why OE sends HTML messages in quoted printable. There
> is no reason to do this - HTML itself contains an encoding for 8bit
> characters, so where's the point to encode HTML with quoted-printable?
> Just because '=3D' has two characters more than '='?

Okay most of that means nothing to me. I got email and news posts, I
either send them as text or html. Html sucks, text is good. This is the
level that I work on. I don't give a crap how it gets encoded and handled
otherwise. All I know is that when I get an html doc it's a pain in the
ass to reply to it. However when I deal in good old plain text everything
works fine with everyone. Except that you seem to complain about it.
Kind regards
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