"Zlmndra" <tamago__chan@NOSPAMPLShotmail.com> wrote:
> > Write fanfiction making things come out the way YOU want
> > them to.
> Ya, write a fanfiction pairing Shinji and Rei!  I think I might these
> uni holidays... hey Disaster, why don't you run a Shinji/Rei fic pairing
> competition on your site?   =D  That way I can kill two birds with one
> stone....

Because no one would write for it and I have not done serious fiction in

I like the idea but I also have no time to work on it.
Kind regards
Disaster's Fan Fiction  - http://www.disfanfic.net
JAE FAQ                     - http://www.evafaq.com
Pen^3's JAE FAQ       - http://faq.pen3.cjb.net