"John Ko" <johnk0@aol.commmonmail> wrote:> I've seen all of the episodes
and all the movies a little less than a year ago.
> And probably none of you remember me from earlier postings as I am now
using a
> new e-mail address. I used to use IXI JnKo IXI and had a line from EoE
as my
> signature. Anyway, back to the point, I've soaked in all the information
> newgroup has given and have contemplated all the theories brought forth
> the complexity of Eva...so now what? NGE has to be one of the best, if
not the
> best, anime series that will ever be created and I'd hate to lose that
> connection I have with it. ::sigh::
> Sorry for wasting your time.

I remember your name, I sure as hell do not remember your email addy, I
mean anyone that you may have ever had in your entire life let this one or
the last one or whatever.

Anyhow, now you sit around here with the rest of us keeping old flames
burning! We answer questions and develop theories way beyond the normal
and eventually develop psychotic episodes.
Kind regards
Disaster's Fan Fiction  - http://www.disfanfic.net
JAE FAQ                     - http://www.evafaq.com
Pen^3's JAE FAQ       - http://faq.pen3.cjb.net