In article <>,
 tm <tm@tmoero.invalid> wrote:

> Louise Bremner wrote:
> > Sigi Rindler wrote:
> > > A colleague of mine as purchased a yacht and plans to sail to various
> > > countries for the next years to come. He is planning to live and work on
> > > his boat.
> > 
> > Nice!
> > 
> > > He is a translator and wants to continue work for his Japanese clients.
> > > The only problem is his Internet connection when being somewhere out in
> > > the sea or moored at harbors. What are the least expensive options for
> > > transmitting bigger PDF (in the 10 to 20MB range)?
> > 
> > Hmmmm.... I wonder if it's possible to mount a dish on the yacht for
> > direct access to the satellites?
> <>
> > > I don't know how fast such transmissions are, but it could become
> > > extremely expensive according to people who had to say something about it.
> > > Still, nobody of these "advisors" has any experience with these things
> > > either. Does anybody know better?
> <>
> See the links on the left here-
> <>
