"chrismarkcanada" <cpelyk@gmail.com> wrote:

> I would like to thank everyone who wrote about on my last topic.
> My web site on Japan and ME!!!
> I had many responses some good some bad, but I appreciate the feedback.
> I took a shit kicking with most of the responses but a few were ok,
> and I appreciate the positive feedback as it made me actually come back
> to the group.

Welcome back. Stick around. What's your prefered self defence 
technique against freeters smoking cigarettes on the front stoop? 
> As a "new be" The negative feedback I thought was a bit harsh but
> everyone is entitled to there own opinion, but just so you know it gave
> me the impression that you were just a bunch of smart asses and that
> you did not want new people to post things.

The people who post here are the few gaigin online malcontents who 
don't have "look at me i live in japan" blogs. Surely you can see how 
that would make us bitter.

> I would have understood a wee bit more if I had posted a link to some
> porn web site, or told you I was from Africa and my father had been
> killed by a war lord and I would like to give you 50 million to help me
> and my family leave, but first please give me your bank info. Anyways
> life goes on.

Personally, i wish you'd add some porn to your site. Your life seems 
even more boring than mine, you take pictures of japanese doors, i 
take pictures of japanese manhole covers.

> This is what I should have written the first time around:
> My web site on ME and a little bit about Japan!
> The following is a link to my web site:
> http://www.j-talk.com/chrismarkcanada/
> This web site has "some" info on Japan.  I lived there for two years if
> you have any questions on living and working in Japan, please feel free
> to email me and ask me questions.  I have been back to Japan two times

I salute your stamina.

> for vacation so I have lots of info on places to see and things to do.

I'm looking for a place in Tokyo to get a good cheeseburger, any 

> Most of the web site is on me and my life in Canada but I do have over
> 30 photos of Japan 

That'll certainly put that slacker Cash in his place.

>and a little info on Japan.

Thanks, one can never get enough of Shinjuku Station and Kyoto.
BTW, you misspelled "cattle".

> The web site I created was a free service and is great if you would
> like to look at some of the other sites people - (foreigners and
> Japanese) have set up.  Please go to the following link.  There are
> some great sites about Japan and a ton of great photos!!
> http://www.j-talk.com/
> The web site is extremely easy to create, and I look forward to seeing
> some of you creating your own and posting them.

I'm thinking of starting a blog describing what it's like to be a 
gaigin blogger in japan who doesn't read gaigin bloggers blogging 
about blogging in japan.