HEADLINES and NEWS LINKS Courtesy of TvNewsLies.org
Jesse's Blog: http://www.tvnewslies.org/blog/
November 07, 2006

WAR : http://www.tvnewslies.org/news/#war

· British soldier killed in attack on Basra base
**UN watchdog: $22 mln missing in Iraq contracts - An audit of 15
   noncompetitive contracts paid for by U.S. government agencies
   with Iraqi oil money was unable to account for $22.4 million
   in funds, a U.N.-led watchdog said on Monday.
· U.S. helicopter crashes in Iraq, two killed
· Iraq curfew means 'low' death toll
· Robert Fisk: This was a guilty verdict on America as well
· Roadside bomb kills 3 U.S. soldiers in Afghanistan
· U.S. envoy to Iraq likely quitting post

9/11 News : http://www.tvnewslies.org/news/#911

· Wife Of Flight 175 Victim Won't Talk About Govt 911 Involvement -
   Why such a discrepancy? Why do many of the WTC family members cry
   out for justice when most all airline family members, save lone
   wolf Ellen Mariani, remain quiet as church mice?

DOMESTIC : http://www.tvnewslies.org/news/#domestic

· A Sip Of Beer In N.Y. Now Worthy Of Intoxication
· Election fixing charges fly in Utah county
· "San Diego Judge Denies Writ Seeking to Force County to Count
   Paper Ballots as 'Normal Ballots' as Ordered by CA Secretary of
· Thief grabs voting machine from election official's car
· New rules, machines frazzle voters early
· AP Exclusive: Election chief concerned about voter confusion
· Election Problem Log - 2006 - VotersUnite!
· What GOP Surge? -.
· Here is how the "Yellow Button Hack" is done: - You can now vote
   as many times as you want to.
· Texas DA Kills Self As Police Arrive

INTERNATIONAL : http://www.tvnewslies.org/news/#international

· Daniel Ortega Wins Nicaragua Presidency

MILITARY & VETERANS : http://www.tvnewslies.org/news/#military

· Carson loses high-ranking officer in Iraq

EDITORIAL : http://www.tvnewslies.org/news/#editorial

· I’ll Vote But I Feel Like An Idiot!

HEALTH & SCIENCE : http://www.tvnewslies.org/news/#health

· Australian Senate OKs cloning embryos

HUMAN RIGHTS WATCH : http://www.tvnewslies.org/news/#rights

· 57 Iraqis charged in abuse at prison

OF INTEREST : http://www.tvnewslies.org/news/#interest

· Evangelist's scandal fuels family-values debate

If you still believe what they told us about 9/11:
