The PS3 is not going to be as powerfull as stated at E3.

MS has come out with some compartive calculations of their own.


<r500> wrote in message
> Playstation3  only has  1 Cell Processor
> quote:
> __________________
> " Although early reports suggested that PS3 would use four or even eight 
> Cell CPUs, many developers now believe that the system may only have one - 
> "
> __________________
> and even this single Cell Processor has only 7 of the SPEs  (the workhorse 
> of Cell)  activated, instead of the normal
> 8 SPEs.
> so instead of a full Cell Processor with 9 cores,  the PS3 has a Cell 
> Processor with 8 cores (1 PowerPC + 7 SPEs)
> and this is a far cry from what was originally planned for PS3.  lets look 
> back at how many times PS3 has been downgraded over the years:
> 1.)  PS3 was going to be 1,000 times the power of PS2.
> that would have meant 6.2 Teraflops / Tflops,    because the PS2 
> performance is 6.2 Gigaflops / Gflops
> 2.)  then it was going to be at least a 4-Cell  system, with 4 PowerPCs 
> and 32 APUs (APUs are now SPEs) for a total of at least 1 Teraflop / Tflop 
> @ 4 GHz.   that is still powerful even though it's a big downgrade from 
> original goal.
> 3.) then it was realized that PS3 would get only one Cell Processor - but 
> this would be an improved Cell with SPEs that have 256K local memory 
> instead of the 128K that the APUs had.    running at 4.6 GHz.  providing 
> 256  (SPEs)
>  288 Gflops total (SPEs plus VMX). a new version of Cell was also made, 
> with further increased performance.   it was thought that PS3 with 1 
> strong Cell Processor would reach 300 to 320 Gflops.
> 4.) the PS3 that was announced this week is significantly less powerful 
> from even what I said in (3.).    the final PS3 is going to have one 
> cripled Cell Processor with only 7 SPEs, and only clocked at 3.2 Ghz, 
> which produces only 218 Gflops.
> so from (1)  to (4)  we are going from 1000 times the performance of 
> Playstation2, down to only 35 times the performance of Playstation2. 
> that is roughly  28 times LESS powerful than what Sony originally 
> promised.
> not that I actually believed Sony's original claims about 1000 times the 
> power of PS2, but, it just goes to show you the difference between  hype 
> and reality.
> for those that dont believe that Sony ever said PS3 would be 1000 times 
> more powerful than PS2, I have a few examples
> _______________________________________________
> "PlayStation3 Revealed?
> Kutaragi breaks moore's law, claims 1000x chip performance for PS3"
> " By 2006, the third generation system will arrive, with EE3 and GS3,
> featuring 1000 times the performance of the tool-just in time for the
> PS2, which will also be delivered around that date, according to sony
> sources mentioned in the EE times article.
> HERE's the PlayStation3 part
> So what kind of statistics would a game system capable of 1000 times
> PS2's performance generate?
> If you do the math, that's 66 trillion polygon calculations per second.
> On a spuer-high-definition 6400x4800 screen, that's more than enough
> polygons to update pixel size triangles more than 120 times per
> second.that's both bettor than movie resolution and a refresh rate
> faster than the human eye can detect (in fact, those results can be doen
> by a mere 3.6 trillion ploys per second)."
> ___________________________________________________-
> ________________________________________________
> " The Phase 3 workstation, scheduled to appear around 2005-2006, will have 
> the
> Emotion Engine 3 and Graphic Synthesizer 3, which will have drastically
> changed architectures. As a result, the workstation will have 1,000 times
> performance of the development tool workstation, and will handle 4,000 x
> 2,000-pixel pictures at 24-to-120p. At this stage, Playstation3 will be
> taking a shape, Sony said. "
> ___________________________________________
> ____________________________________________________
> " PS3 Will Have 1,000 Times Performance of PS2
> SCEI senior VP says that PlayStation 3 will significantly out-perform 
> layStation2.
> by David Zdyrko
> November 17, 1999 - According to a news release on AsiaBizTech, Shin-ichi 
> Okamoto said, "We are working to create the PlayStation 3 game machine so 
> that it will have 1,000 times the performance of the PlayStation 2." 
> Okamota, senior vice president of the research and development division of 
> Sony Computer Entertainment, said this when he gave a keynote speech at 
> the "Microcomputer System & Tool Fair '99" held at Tokyo Big Site from 
> Nov. 10-12.
> As indicated by the story, SCE surveyed content developers when they were 
> developing the PlayStation 2; the developers said that they would need a 
> performance of 18,000 times that of the PlayStation in order to generate 
> game images in real-time. Sony suggests that the PlayStation 2 is 300 
> times as powerful as the current PlayStation, falling short of what the 
> content developers had wanted. In regards to this, Okamoto said, "We 
> understand the requirement is half met. We would like to realize the goal 
> in the development of our next version, the PlayStation 3."
> __________________________________________
> there are many more but that should be enough