Scripsit ille aut illa Sakaki <>:
> "MBVA" <> wrote:
> > about that fluid, you said its already in use? what is it called and
> > what is it used for? wouldn't we need gills for it?
> I may be wrong but I do belive it is called:
> Oxygenated hydroflorocarbon.

Not -fluoro- (then the fluor, chemical symbol F, is contained)?

What does such a molecule look like? Oxygenated hydro carbons are for
example alcohols, therefore they look like

        H   H
        |   |
H - O - C - C - H        <----------- ethanol
        |   |
        H   H

(maybe there can be multiple OH groups). And which special oxygenated
hydrofluorocarbons are used? If I understand the chemical expression
correctly, this is one of them:

        F   H
        |   |
H - O - C - C - H
        |   |
        H   H

and this is the other possibility with two Cs, one OH and one F:

        H   H
        |   |
H - O - C - C - F
        |   |
        H   H

Ritsuko: "You cooked this, didn't you Misato?"
Misato:  "Oh, can you tell?"
Ritsuko: "Yes, by its taste."