Scripsit illud Disaster <>:
> "Rudolf Polzer" <> wrote:
> > Scripsit illud Disaster <>:
> > > *THWACK*
> >
> > *thwack divider explodes and takes your \*THWACK\* with it - to hell*
> >
> > *cleaning up*
> >
> > *building a new thwack divider*
> >
> > *working on the thwack mirror plans*
> You understand that once I've thwacked you it's too late right? You
> understand that the concept of hitting you has been issued and it's no
> longer a concern right?

The thwack divider already has been installed. I don't need to activate
it before a thwack arrives - it's always active. You destroyed my first
one and my second one still does not work correctly - it seems to ignore
\*THWACk\*s (everything upper case except the k), which therefore reach
me. But I'm working on the bug.

The problem with the all upper case \*THWACK\* is of course still there
- these ones just have too much energy to get divided up correctly.

*building the first thwack mirror prototype*
*testing it*
What, it has let it through?
*continuing work on the plans*

> > > Traitor!
> >
> > This word comes from Latin, from Gibberish. How can you use it then?
> Because it's not "gibberish" anymore. Perhaps you need a little help, you
> see I'm not speaking Latin regardless of the fact that the language I am
> using comes from it.

So just because *you*r native language is English, it does not make
English a "better" language than others. All languages except Japanese
are to be considered equal in this NG.

> I am speaking English, and in English, "Gibberish" can't get you
> killed like "Traitor" can.

Do you have death penalty in your state? In Germany it does not exist,
so nothing can get me killed - theoretically.

Rei 19: Actually if the story.
Rei 49: 50?
Not quite, but almost.
I was in it that can send to it as well.