Scripsit illud darkbios <>:
> (darkbios) wrote in message news:<>...
> > He puesto algunas peliculas de evangelion en
> > un saludo
> The size of the movies are 200 and 196 megabytes.

size != quality. They can have much better quality in this size. I
tried, do you understand, I tried - I downloaded the first ten megabytes
of EoE, repaired the ZIP file and played it in a working media player.
Since I could not believe the quality is so low, I tried on another
computer with Windows Media Player and the current codec versions.

Believe me: you can achieve much better quality with the same file size
- even with the same file type and needed codec for decompression.

> Rudolf Polzer you are a big lammer.

The word is spelled with only one m, but spelling flames are out.

> Por que no estudias las magnitudes informaticas pedazo lammer,
> ademas eres un nazi de mierda cabron.

You think I don't understand that? Then *you* are the lamer. Without
knowing Spanisch, I understand every word. It's too similar to Latin, so
all I needed was an online dictionary for some words...

Or is your English just not good enough for this - then you're forgiven.

Besides, I am *not* a "f*cking Nazi bastard". To me it does not matter
which religion you practice. It does not matter how you look. It does
not matter where you're from. It does not matter which languages you can
write how good (if I can't understand it, I can't understand it). The
only thing that matters is what you do. But even for that I'd never kill

You have shown very well what a lamer you are by creating this website.
Not only did you use Macromedia Flash for a silly button animation which
could also have been done with animated GIFs. That's not the bad thing
about your site. The bad thing is that you made the site unusable
without Flash which is *not* required - HTML contains a means of putting
in "alternate" content that is displayed if Flash is not available. And
if you just do button animation, it's *trivial* to make it work both
with and without Flash.

BTW: Do you even know what a Nazi is? Oh, you can name one. Exactly one.
But you probably don't even know that they killed Jews just because of
their religion. I hope you don't know. Otherwise you have just accused
me of murder. That's a knowingly false accusation and can be punished.
If I were in worse mood, I'd send your ISP a nice eMail. An eMail about
your abuse of the Usenet. An eMail that would make your ISP cut off your

Do you already know what *PLONK* means?

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