It is a fact that most of the rank and file members of Freemasonry know
little of what their higher ranks get up to. They are often simply happy
that they belong to such a large and influential Secret Society which can
allow them things that they might otherwise be unable to obtain such as jobs
etc. This has been the situation in the UK for generations. Freemasonry has
become a threat to world peace in general. Senior posts in the UK military
are filled by members of Freemasonry. Freemasonry has had an involvement in
many wars for a considerable length of time. It has in fact a hidden agenda
known mostly to its higher ranks. In the UK the Duke of Kent is the
Grandmaster of Freemasonry, the Queen is Patron Head of Freemasonry,  Prince
Phillip her husband,  is Freemason and quite lately information came to
light that the Prince of Wales has also  become a Freemason. It is claimed
that these people have become Freemasons to help protect their status as
royalty. Freemasonry is also in fact a news gathering organisation where any
information on people and what they know etc, becomes an asset to it. Tony
Blair is a purported member of both Freemasonry and the world elitist secret
society known as the Bilderbergs. It appears that secret societies have many
governments world wide in their lap. The USA, UK, French and German
governments are amongst those controlled and/or influenced by Freemasonry.
There are more.

It was one of my ancestors,  Robert the Bruce the un-crowned king of
Scotland who was the protector of the Knights Templars in Scotland. They
fought alongside him at the battle of Bannockburn .  The Knights Templars
later changed their name to Freemasons.

It is inconceivable that two Special Squad police officers of Northumbria
Police had taken it on themselves to murder me on the night of 4/5th
February 2003 by trying to impale me on a sword when my home was illegally
taken from me at Hetton-le-Hole, Tyne-Wear. Those police officers who saw
that know that I am telling the truth. Police had also arranged to shoot me
on the first night of the illegal  siege of my home.  That was confirmed by
a police officer then at the scene. I came very close to that end. When
marksmen were stationed outside of my home. Police never shoot to disable
but always to kill. Someone in high authority clearly wanted me dead.  Could
the fact that my case has confirmed the following be some the reasons for
that murder attempt on me? There were however two police officers who saved
me from those murder situations. I remain thankful to them. They clearly had
something inside of them that would not allow the will of evil of those
above them to take its course. With such people in existence there is still
hope for a better world which all too often seems elusive to mankind. It is
people such as these who should be in the positions of power where liars and
murderers now inhabiting them should be banished forever.

1) The Queen of England Wales and Scotland is Patron Head of UK Freemasonry.
Freemasonry is generally regarded as being the worlds leading Secret
Society. The Queen is also head of the Church of England which is of course
a Christian church.  Freemasonry is not nor ever will be compatible with
Christianity  (. Deception is all
part of the Masonic Secret Society infested  UK Establishment.
2) The Queen is Patron Head of UK Freemasonry. Freemasonry is without doubt
infests the UK Establishment for reasons I think many will be aware of. The
many rituals carried on by Freemasonry are of Jewish origin. It is said by
some who are in a position to make such statement, that the best a gentile
can do to becoming a Jew is to become a Mason. Orthodox Jews are not of of
the Christian faith and they will agree that. The Queen is head of the
Christian Church of England and also the Patron head of a Jewish based
organisation, the Freemasons.
3) The judicial oath of fairness to all manner of people which is sworn by
all judges and magistrates to the Queen is a scam. The Queen wont act when
these people breach that oath which they do so very often. This fact was
proved following my letter sent to the Queen in 2002.
4) The UK judiciary have no government or public accountability whatsoever
and that applies to their use of serious crime.
5) The UK judiciary are an illegal body by reason that they are proved by Mr
Fraser Kemp MP (An unwilling party to its exposure) to have no such public
or Parliamentary accountability whatsoever. The UK constitution, unwritten
though it is, has never agreed to this fact. Judges are openly making their
own laws as they proceed to suit their own particular purposes.
6) The UK government is also illegal in the circumstances that they are
allowing the present situation described in 3) and 4). The ultimate UK court
is  Parliament. Now Parliament are opting out of their obligation to protect
the UK public from crimes carried out by what has become another but very
illegal UK government, that being the government of the  judiciary all too
often steeped in Freemasonry up to their necks.
7) UK police are protecting judges who carry out the use of serious crime
against their victims. They claim that when a judge lies, it is a judicial
decision and is therefore to be protected by them!
8) Mr Fraser Kemp MP, a close acquaintance of Tony Blair, having worked with
him for many years in London just before the 1997 General Election  provided
a dossier of some of the crime that had been used against me by judges at
the Durham and Newcastle County Courts to  the Lord Chancellors Department
(Baroness Scotland), The Home Office, The Parliamentary Commissioner and the
Attorney General. Their replies  to Mr Fraser Kemp confirmed that they had
no power to act on any judicial crime. When I asked Mr Kemp to raise this
very important matter for and in the general public interest in the House of
Commons, he replied by letter that he is not permitted to raise issues in
the House!!!  What had made Mr Kemp so afraid to make such a statement? An
MP who makes such a statement  is obviously very mistaken or very afraid.
9) Information more recently given to me suggests that Tony Blair and Lord
Hutton may also be members of Freemasonry. In a fax which I sent to Tony
Blair at 10 Downing Street, London, several weeks ago, I asked that he
declare whether or not he was a mason. I required that declaration to
determine whether he was, or was not impartial to what I had been reporting
to him over  a number of years.  That fax along with others of my recent
ones sent to him remains without reply. I therefore have little choice but
to conclude that Tony Blair is likely to be a Freemason as rumours in the
North East UK have also assisted my conclusion. If that is true, that would
also explain why his pre-1997 election promises that he made relative to
Freemasonry have never been acted on. Deception is indeed shown to be all
part of the generally corrupt UK Establishment. An Establishment where
whistle blowers are likely to be subject of a secret death sentence as was
attempted with me. Did Dr. David Kelly the Iraqi weapons inspector really
commit suicide?  No I too like many, don't think so. He too knew too much
and I, more than most, feel sure that he was murdered given an anonymous
e-mail that I received about a rumour that was said to have gone around his
office the same morning that he was found dead.. There never were any
weapons of mass destruction in Iraq and Dr David Kelly obviously knew that.
Yes, public deception and murder to help protect it is all part of the UK
10) The UK has no independent or impartial tribunals or authorities
established by law for the resolution of our criminal or civil rights. This
is a requirement under Article 6(1) of the European Human Rights Convention
so blatantly being denied to us all by the Blair government. Yes, a UK judge
can be just as corrupt and evil as he wants to be, as in my case and many
others that I know of, in the full knowledge that UK police have been
instructed not to act on matters such as these. Durham Constabulary told me
that when a judge lies in court, they regard it as a judicial decision which
must be protected by them. Judges are therefore proved beyond all reasonable
doubt to be held by the Establishment to be above the law. Therein lies a
very serious situation. Our Constitution, unwritten though it is and that
has probably been deliberate, has never allowed anyone to be held above the
law. Under the Blair government we now have this situation. Our unwritten
Constitution is also a two edged sword and cuts both ways. It cannot
therefore lawfully protect anyone from crime and that also includes judges.
Deception not democracy is now all a part of the very corrupt UK
Establishment.  Secret Societies Rule OK! They only do that just so long as
you keep voting their members into positions of authority. Do you really
want this very dangerous  situation?

There does appear to be an ongoing war raging against Islam. This  war  of
course helps to sustain acts of terrorism. That in turn helps justify
government acts that amount to the furtherance of the total control of the
population. Is it not strange that it was the Knights Templars  who fought
in the "Holy Wars" and that the name taken on by them afterwards was
Freemasons?  Has that war ever really  ended?  Facts coming to light suggest
that it did not.

The UK has the  technology to allow its citizens to have a greater say in
decisions affecting this nation.  Similar technology as used in the National
Lottery can enable this to happen now. The outcome will enable that fairer
Britain promised by Blair, which like many of his promises, has never come
about. Do we really want the corrupt  UK Establishment to continue as it is
now when its citizens in general can all become a part of the everyday
important decision making affecting their lives? The cost of installing this
technology will probably be much less that that costing us to fight an
illegal war in Iraq.

It has been written by some that the UK and the USA are now the most hated
nations in the world. Who has brought about this hatred? Not the citizens in
general, but the Bush's and Blair's who govern them. Why is it that its the
citizens who always have to pay the ultimate price, but not those making the
decisions that make us so hated?  Do we really welcome liars in positions of
such high power?

Masons At Work. (In my cases.)
Why I could never lawfully, without the use of Establishment criminals, have
been declared a bankrupt in 1999.
UK Establishment murderers protected or employed by Downing Street .
Establishment protected criminal.

Matters below that might be of interest.

Dunblane Massacre Facts?
Freemasonry Watch.
High Priests of Globalisation
The Bilderbergs.
Charter88 Democratic Reform
Independent Law Centre.
Military Objectors-USA.
More on the Bilderbergs
The Bilderberg forum
Persons to watch.
New World Order
The Talmud
Masons Exposed
Cuttingedge Ministries.
A Testimony to UK Freemasonry Today.
Fame 97.
Ukranian Masonic Concerns.
Female Masonic Abuse.
Ritual Abuse Free?
Masons and Secrecy.
Kenya and Freemasonry.
Masons and the JF Kennedy Assassination
Masonic Differences.
Real Life Masonic Injustice. Note that the e-mail address given in the
article is no longer  but has changed to
Globalism (Now underway)
The Complete Works of Harun Yahya
Freemasonry and the Illuminati
The New World Order-Illuminati
One in twenty UK judges admit to being Masons.  That figure is much higher
than that. Many masons are known to be consistent liars anyway.
The Morning News-Mel Gibson
Terrorism-World Trade Centre 9-11 Observations
Secret Links
Truth Seekers.
Microwave harassment and mind control experiments.
Facts the Press rarely even mention.
Shadow Government
Patients Protection.