This probably isn't the most appropriate group in which to post this
request. I hope I have not upset anyone too much. Apologies.

May I raise the issue of Tony Blairs heath in this group. Blairs spin
machine tell us lies and the British press *are* economic with the
truth. Therefor I am appealing to the international scene for

We know that he has had a problem with his heart which he has had
resolved. He has also been seen by two Dr.'s because of problems with
his stomach. His press office informs us that he is now physically
fit. However, every time I see him on TV and in newspaper photos he
looks more gaunt than previously, he is thinner and looks strung-out.
Like a man on the edge. Most people in the UK I have talked to are
convinced that he is ill and we are not being told the truth. Part of
this is due to his deteriorating appearance and partly because his PR
machine gives the impression of producing nothing but total spin.

Normally stories embarrassing to the establishment break in the
overseas press first. It usually takes ages for them to reach these
shores and then in a sanitised version. I am appealing to you to be
our eyes and ears on this matter.

Thankyou for your time.

                Thought For The Day
" You can always tell when a politician is lying.
  Their lips move."
        - Max Headroom