On Sat, 14 May 2005 11:25:25 +0000, Richard Strong wrote:

> "Fry" <me@privacy.net> wrote in message 
> news:3ekt85F3msd0U1@individual.net...
>>> Bit of a missed opportunity if it is using DVDs but not playing movies. 
>>> You just know that if MS and Nintendo only use DVDs that Sony are going 
>>> to pounce all over them for it by pointing out how inferior they are.
>> DVD Playing isn't exactly a selling point anymore, most people have a 
>> standalone DVD now, but didn't when PS2 was released. I doubt many people 
>> bought a PS2 or Xbox to play CDs like they might have partially bought a 
>> PS1/Saturn to.
> I disagree; it is a selling point. If the Xbox 360 and PS3 can play DVD's 
> but the Revolution can't... that isn't a good thing.
> Personally, I only have an Xbox attached to my TV, and even though I haven't 
> played an Xbox game for a while, it still sits there because of the ability 
> to playback DVD movies.
>> A good selling point would be if it played BRD or HD-DVD, I'd wager Sony 
>> will definately feature at least one of those formats on PS3. If they only 
>> support one of the two formats, it could spell disaster for the other one.
> Just because the PS3 is using one format and not the other? I don't think 
> so.
> It'll be decided when standalone HD-DVD and blu-ray players appear on the 
> market, the consumer will pick and choose.

More people have DVD players then have consoles, they have become the VCRs
of the new age.  You can't cram in all the technology of a good DVD player
into a game console, and still keep it cheap enough to sell.