"I Hate Spam" <spam.dot@comcast.net> squawked:
> "Frank White" <fwhite*NOSPAM*@colfax.com> wrote
> > In article <m8cRc.14022$Bb.5684@lakeread08>, tenchsama@cox.net says...
> > > [...Kaji killer...]
> >
> > No, it was Pen-Pen!  Pen-Pen did it in a fit of jealous
> > rage over Misato!  It wasn't political, it was all for
> > LOVE!!!
>    Of course we all know that Pen-Pen is the 0th Angel and the origin of all
> things.

QUIET!  The truth must not get out!

 _    ___              Pen^3
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//\  |  _// -_)| ' \   Pen3 @ pen3.cjb.net
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