On Sun, 3 May 2009 18:11:29 -0700 (PDT), Rita B. Flesh wrote:

> Men are truly worthless creatures and I don't understand why
> 50% of the population are men. We don't need so many men.

If they are worthless, why do you need any at all? Perhpas the fault
lies with your perception rather than with males.
> 10% men would be enough.

For what? Why would you need anything that is worthless?

> We women should eat the other men,

What do you mean by *other men*? are you suggesting that women are men?
if so, wouldn't that also make them worthless?

> since male meat is very
> good.

So men are not worthless? I wish you would make up your mind(tm). 

> So why aren't we a cannibal species where the women eat the
> men???

Possibly because the logic of doing so has never occurred to women, if
your post is any indication of the overall logical capability of women.