On 25 Dec 2003, Ken Yasumoto-Nicolson wrote:

>Ray <sensei_ray@spam.musubi.yahoo.com> wrote in message news:<hfikuvsscbmprg1dvi8paqj3o8u266li31@4ax.com>...
>> Mele Kalikimaka to everyone here.
>> BTW.....does anyone here actually MISS the Christmas rush?  After
>> seven years here, it still feels kinda weird not too see the huge
>> crowd of people or the traffic that seem to go on for miles. (G)
>I guess you didn't try to buy a cake last night after work then? It
>was sardines at all the cake counters of Hankyu Takarazuka, so who
>knows what the centre of Osaka was like!

Nah.....I was never into the "Christmas cake."

Here's a quetion for you regarding Christmas food:

Why is it that the department store like Daie, etc. go crazy with the
barbeque chicken or whole chicken (cooked or raw) only this time of
year?  I stopped by several stores recenty and all I saw was chicken,
chicken, chicken.  Would be nice if they sold whole chickens year
round.  Then, I wouldn't have to cook so much. LOL

Matsudo, Chiba