"Ryan Ginstrom" <ginstrom@hotmail.com> wrote:

>[I spared the non-Japan groups my rantings]
>"Derek Smallsbury" <derek.smallsbury@btinternet.com> wrote in message
>> To establish whether a suspect was a witch or not they used ducking.
>> With this the accused was plunged into a convenient pond. If he or she
>> floated it proved an association with the black arts, with the body
>> rejecting the baptismal water. If the victim drowned they were
>> innocent.
>I think you're on to something here. So for instance, we line everybody up,
>and say to them one by one, "Eat the poor." If the person goes, "That's
>horrible!" then they are OK. If they raise an eyebrow or do one of those
>other ironic things that commies and such are wont to do, then it's off to
>the firing squad.

Well, you're clearly a political scholar and comprehend the evil
inherent in the communist ideal but I'm a little concerned that you
don't understand irony. Not just that you don't appreciate it
(because you are from the USA and it is not a method of communication
used in day to day exchanges in your culture.) You're simply ignorant
of the definition of irony. Allow me to explain.
Irony is a form of literal expression. 
It has nothing to do with eyebrows. That is facial expression. 

There is a big big difference. 

Consult a dictionary for further information.

Now, I'm not saying there's not a link between irony and communism.
For all I know, Marx and Engels et al may have been joking all along
in their texts. Who knows?

As you point out it's important to find who's on your side and who
isn't. And, as you and your fellow citizens appreciate, there's
nothing wrong with a little bit of little cruelty and injustice as
long as your not on the receiving end.

So, if you get to a position of power, democratically or otherwise (in
your case most likely 'otherwise'), and wish to weed out all the
communists using irony is a prime indicator of socialist tendencies,
then get all the people called Big Tony etc. who are really small, and
all the people called Shorty who are really tall etc etc (you get the
idea - use your imagination) then find out who their friends and
colleagues are. Anyone who calls them by the unrealistic nickname is
using *irony*. Then you may execute them with your instrument of
choice and claim a victory for democracy.
Oh and you might want to stop the free press while your doing it.

>> >One thing I like so much about Japan is that they understand irony even
>> >than Americans, if that is possible.
>> That's nice. Perhaps the Tokyo tourist agency could use that as a
>> slogan.
>I prefer _'Big bang' for exchange students in Japan_ myself
>That's what got me over here!

Oh I see.