Kevin Gowen wrote:
> necoandjeff wrote:
>> Kevin Gowen wrote:
>>> necoandjeff wrote:
>>>> Declan Murphy wrote:
>>>>> Kevin Gowen wrote:
>>>>>> The abortion question was a real loser for Kerry. He really
>>>>>> squirmed trying to justify support for partial-birth abortion and
>>>>>> opposition to parental notification.
>>>>> My only interest in sepponia's recent poll was from an outsiders
>>>>> perspective (commercial trade, defence alliances etc). Now that
>>>>> Bush has a second term, and his party a majority in both reps and
>>>>> senate, I assume partial-birth abortions will be banned. And all
>>>>> abortions too?
>>>> "All abortions" can only be undone by the Supreme Court at this
>>>> point,
>>> How? An overturning of _Roe_ would not be a ban on abortion.
>> True. That was a poorly worded answer. There are a number of states
>> (I don't know how many) with laws already on the books that would
>> kick in immediately, but it would first take a reversal of Roe v.
>> Wade for a more general ban on abortion to be possible.
> Which laws do you mean that would kick in? At any rate, my prediction
> is that if _Roe_ were overturned, very few states, if any, would have
> abortion bans. I do think many would restrict abortions to the first
> trimester, though.

Don't make me do the research. Aren't there states with laws on the books
that would be enforceable but for the Supreme Court's determination that
they are unconstitutional?
