In article <>,
 Windblade <> wrote:

> FFXI is not random.  You can see all the mobs and you can try to avoid
> them.  Some won't attack you, but some will attack you depending on whether
> they see you, hear you, smell you, or detect your magic use.
> I love FFXI, but I took a night off to watch a movie after playing FFXI in
> every spare moment of time I had for eight straight months.  Since then
> I've had a hard time getting back into it, for some reason.  But I still
> think it's a great game. 

I love FFXI too, I'm a lvl 65 BLM and spent a zillion fun hours getting 
there. Funny though, I also took a little time off to try something 
different called Second Life, and am having a hard time getting back 
into FFXI now. I think it's partly because the Linkshell I was in broke 
up, and you can't solo anything at high (or even medium) levels. Also it 
is suffering from rampant inflation and monopolizing of the monsters 
that drop the best stuff due to the darn professional gil (money) 

One thing though. FFXI is the least colorful FF game of all. Everything 
is kind of dullish color wise. I guess it has to do with the demands of 
a real-time online system, but check out the single player games. Even 
castles, deserts, and mudflats are much more vivid.