Hmmm... Now, this is flamebait... I wonder if this guy posts to
slashdot also... The fact that he took the time out to flamebait JAE
just shows that JAE is so cool that it's worth baiting... 

You just gotta love that sneaky logic...

On Thu, 20 Jun 2002 03:45:54 GMT, george rapciewicz
<> wrote:

>Is this newsgroup filled with a bunch of geeks or what?  Fuck
>Japanimation and all its components, including you fucking weirdo
>groupee's. Get a life loser's. Try going out and dating. I have found
>that relationship's with the opposite sex help greatly in the boredom
>scenerio. Plus you fello's might realize that there is more to life than
>a stiff cock in your faggot asses.


More information that you can shake a stick at:
Always check there for the latest ftp information, 
as well as all of the other cool goodies.
GO GO GO!!! Now!!! Hurry!!! If you don't the gods 
will not be pleased. And of course, when you mess 
with the forest gods, well, you know what happens.

perl -e 'eval pack 'h*','675636824225c203c2332392d303875324532363544324b36756368242e4c203c2332392d303875344534363537333b36756368242b4c203c2332392d303877333631363932303b3072796e6474225c242e4c242b4''
perl -e "eval pack 'h*','675636824225c203c2332392d303875324532363544324b36756368242e4c203c2332392d303875344534363537333b36756368242b4c203c2332392d303877333631363932303b3072796e6474225c242e4c242b4'"
First one in *nix, the second in Windows...