Report: Veteran Homelessness on the Rise - The wars in Iraq and 
Afghanistan have contributed to a sharp rise in the number of homeless 
military veterans, a recently completed Congressional Research Service 
report on homeless veterans says, and lawmakers are beginning to take 

  It is unfortunate that the people who love this nation enough to speak 
out when they see the ugly side of what takes place in the name of 
America are called anti-American, and the people who voice support of 
our nation while turning a blind eye to any and all wrongdoing by our 
leaders are considered patriots! Well once again the patriots were wrong 
and once again it is the icon of American patriotism, the US veteran of 
war, who has to pay the price for the blind loyalty of the so called 
American patriot....

Full blog:

Report: Veteran Homelessness on the Rise - The wars in Iraq and 
Afghanistan have contributed to a sharp rise in the number of homeless 
military veterans, a recently completed Congressional Research Service 
report on homeless veterans says, and lawmakers are beginning to take 

  It is unfortunate that the people who love this nation enough to speak 
out when they see the ugly side of what takes place in the name of 
America are called anti-American, and the people who voice support of 
our nation while turning a blind eye to any and all wrongdoing by our 
leaders are considered patriots! Well once again the patriots were wrong 
and once again it is the icon of American patriotism, the US veteran of 
war, who has to pay the price for the blind loyalty of the so called 
American patriot....

Full blog: