From: (Rael A. Fenchurch)
Newsgroups: uk.misc,uk.politics,,,alt.politics.british
Subject: Re: Persecution in the U.K.
Date: Tue Mar  5 04:37:52 1996
>"go away" replies, and one from a Labour MP saying he was aware of my situation
>but wouldn't help me because he regarded me as the "bad guy". Gee thanks, they
>do this and then offload the shame they should feel onto you by telling you "oh
>but it's your fault". It's a mad world.
Do you happen to have a copy of this MPs letter? After all, a scanned
copy of it would lend great weight to your case here. At the moment,
you've offered us nothing in the way of evidence, which is one of the
main reasons we all think you've truly gone fishing. So?

--- Rael A. Fenchurch (,  ---
---         "I don't think compassion's the language of our time"         ---
---                                                        "Doubt or Die" ---


From: Andy Howard <>
Newsgroups: uk.misc,uk.politics,,,alt.politics.british
Subject: Re: Persecution in the U.K.
Date: Tue Mar  5 06:06:15 1996
In article: <> (Mike Corley) wr
 I got a few
> "go away" replies, and one from a Labour MP saying he was aware of my situatio
> but wouldn't help me because he regarded me as the "bad guy".
Which Labour MP Mike?
|            Andy Howard    EMail                |
|    My opinions, not my employer's (Jolly nice people though they are).  |
|    If my employers shared my opinions... Well, frankly I'd be amazed    |


Subject: Re: Persecution in the U.K.
Newsgroups: uk.misc,uk.politics,,,alt.politics.british,$
Followup-To: uk.misc,uk.politics,,,alt.politics.british,soc.culture.b$
References: <> <4h45nq$> <4h6gkb$ivc$
Organization: Toronto Free-Net
Mike Corley ( wrote:
: >Do you happen to have a copy of this MPs letter? After all, a scanned
: >copy of it would lend great weight to your case here. At the moment,
: >you've offered us nothing in the way of evidence, which is one of the
: >main reasons we all think you've truly gone fishing. So?
: The letter was by email, not on paper. (In addition to snail-mailing, I
: emailed all the relevant addresses I could find.) I'll see if I can find
: it, I keep a record of most of this correspondence so I may still have it.
I'm afraid I don't have a copy of the correspondence. In future I will keep
useful letters, so with luck there may be a "next time".
The MP was Jeff Rooker, Labour MP. Having looked again at the Labour web page I
find he doesn't have an address listed, but I have a record of his address as
having been I don't know where I got the
address from. I'm so disorganised!


Newsgroups: uk.misc,uk.politics,,,alt.politics.british
From: (John J Smith)
Subject: Re: Persecution in the U.K.
Message-ID: <>
Sender: (RFC931)
Organization: Fujitsu Telecommunications Europe Ltd
References: <> <> <> <>
Date: Thu, 7 Mar 1996 09:12:56 GMT
Lines: 54

In article <>,
Mike Corley <> wrote:
>Mike Corley ( wrote:
>: >Do you happen to have a copy of this MPs letter? After all, a scanned
>: >copy of it would lend great weight to your case here. At the moment,
>: >you've offered us nothing in the way of evidence, which is one of the
>: >main reasons we all think you've truly gone fishing. So?
>: The letter was by email, not on paper. (In addition to snail-mailing, I 
>: emailed all the relevant addresses I could find.) I'll see if I can find 
>: it, I keep a record of most of this correspondence so I may still have it.
>I'm afraid I don't have a copy of the correspondence. In future I will keep 
>useful letters, so with luck there may be a "next time".

Don't believe you. Because that might be proof, and we just *cant* have that.

>The MP was Jeff Rooker, Labour MP. Having looked again at the Labour web page I 
>find he doesn't have an address listed, but I have a record of his address as 
>having been I don't know where I got the 
>address from. I'm so disorganised!

I did Email this MP yesterday. This is what I wrote:

Smid>I am sorry to bother you, but there is a person with a known
Smid>personality disorder on the internet usenet, claiming that you
Smid>as an MP have backed up his claims that he is being persecuted
Smid>by MI5. 

Smid>His name is Mike Corely, and posts from canada (email address
Smid>available if you require).
Smid>He claims that you have told him that his claims that the 
Smid>"television is watching him", are justified, yet cannot find the
Smid>email in which he did so..

Smid>I'd be interested in what you have said to him, because we have 
Smid>had a long term battle to convince him that he really is schizophrenic
Smid>and that Chris Tarrent, MI5 and Martin Lewis from News On Ten are
Smid>persecuting him... If you do have the original Email, then that'd
Smid>be nice...

Smid>If you nothing of this subject, it would not suprise me, however.

His reply, surpise, suprise was:

MP>No idea what you are on about.  I am getting really sick of some of
MP>the junk on E mail.   I just dump it so he may have contacted
MP>but as to an answer I 've better things to do.

Your move, Mike.
