On Wed, 07 Jan 2004 01:37:55 GMT, Josiah Jenkins
<scs-informer@pap.com> wrote:

>>>>> >>>> > I have seen thread digressions before but this most surely take the
>>>>> >>>cake!
>>>>> >>>>
>>>>> >>>> Someone's serving cake?
>>>>> >>>
>>>>> >>>We always have cake with our tea here in scb. Unless we have crumpet,
>>>>> >>>course.
>>>>> >>>
>>>>> >>And scones.  Don't forget the scones.
>>>>> >
>>>>> >Would you provide a pronounciation guide for the foreign johnnies,
>>>>> >Jeff? There's a good chap.
>>>>> What, and provide them with one of the ultimate clues to Britishness?
>>>>> I should jolly well think not.  Foreign johnnies must learn their
>>>>> place.
>>>>"Englishness" JJ (may I call you JJ?).
>>>Not on scs, you may not !
>>One is not "on" scs.
>"One" has been cross-posted to scs.
>So, like it or nay, one is on it !
One's posts can be put wherever others might choose, but it doesn't
mean one acknowledges these lesser locations as having any import.
One is in scb and that is simply that.