On 18 Nov 2004 10:29:41 GMT, Bloke <Bloke@4invalid.invalid> wrote:

>What is the best dog for ...
>... herding?

  One that doesn't get amourous with any...:)
>.. guarding indoors?

  One that can hold off dumping a load for 8-12 hours?
>... guarding open areas outdoors?

  A nasty one...That dumps loads that stink REAL bad!!
>... children's companion?

   A stuffed one..That way, the little scum can beat it shitless and
it won't bite the little shits.
>... fighting other dogs?

  One that doesn't like any other dog?
>... indoor barking watchdog?

  One that has a loud bark...?
>... seeing eye dog?

  One that can see?
>... sled pulling?

  A strong one?
>... swimming?

  One that won't drown..Might help ya know?
>... sleeping?

  Sleeping with or just sleeping? It depends, are you straight or gay?