Vitani wrote:

> Nick Vargish wrote:
>> "msgs" <> writes:
>>> Watching Sony's shows is a lot like watching Apple shows. A lot of 
>>> talk, a lot of lies, and a huge crowd (of idiots?) who believe every 
>>> word, even after they've been lied to several times before.
>> And this is different from any other company in the tech/entertainment
>> business how?
>> All the companies engage in hype-generating practices. Singling Sony
>> and Apple out for derision because of it just shows a bias on your
>> part.
>> Nick
> I think the point he was making was that people, after all this time, 
> still believe Sony & Apple's hype. When MS say the next version of 
> Windows is going to be the most secure ever, people /don't/ believe 
> them, nor do they believe it when AOL say that it's worth paying more 
> for their extra services.
> Experience has tought people about other companies, I wonder why people 
> still believe others after being lied to so much?
> I don't believe Nintendo when they say the Revolution is going to be 
> revolutionary, nor do I believe that XBox360 will be as powerful at the PS3

 From reading the specs, it probably won't be till towards the end of 
the consoles (all) life cycles that it will be noticeable.  I think it 
will be the quality of the games written that will make most of the 
differences, at lest for that first few years anyway.  I don't trust big 
companys or governments to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing 
but the truth. So G_d help them! (:
Happy Gaming Everyone.