On 9 Nov 2003 07:59:51 -0800, Brett Robson <jet_boy@deja.com> belched
the alphabet and kept on going with:

>On Mon, 10 Nov 2003 00:30:44 +0900, Ryan Ginstrom  ...
>>"Brett Robson" <jet_boy@deja.com> wrote in message
>>> The Promise sheilla tries hard but doesn't quite pull it off.
>>> http://cyber.promise.co.jp/jsp/csp_pc/PPA00/campaign/HPA01000.jsp
>>I don't know, she seems a bit more slutty than the acomu gal. She might play
>>well with the 19-year-old, acne-infested, desperate-for-sex slobs who are a
>>major target of the load sharks.
>>> /(;.;)|
>>What is this? A herpes-infested carp? How topical!
>Don't you know nothing about Japanese kulcha? That's a crying face with arms
>wrapped around the head.
>This is a crying apology  m(;.;)m

I hate emoticons; but I hate Japanese emoticons most of all.