"Brett Robson" <jet_boy@deja.com> wrote in message
> On Sun, 12 Oct 2003 19:30:31 +0900, Ryan Ginstrom  ...
> >
> >
> >"Michael Cash" <mikecash@sunfield.ne.jp> wrote in message
> >news:429iov08kfoq3nd92j2sj4h6ijlrdr8bur@4ax.com...
> >> On 12 Oct 2003 02:27:23 -0700, mad-dan@keepitloud.com (Mad Dan)
> >> >Never mind what?
> >>
> >> Pay no attention. Bryce just enjoys taunting newbies. All of us, in
> >> other words.
> >
> >Speak for youself, FOB boy. I've been here for over a year already.
> This is from a friend who just travelled to Okinawa
> "I have just back from Okinawa and I can say the trip was great! Nice
> besutiful ocean and especially  food is great.
> Okinawa is the southern-most island in Japan as you know. It was still
very hot
> nearly 30 degree. It is under 15 dgree at my city [in Aichi] so you can
> how hot! I could hear cicadas sound.
> In Okinawa, there are lots of special fruits which are I cannot easily buy
> main land of Japan. Like Dragon fruit, Star fruit etc... they are so
juicy, so
> tasty!!
> I went to historycal places, Shuri Castle, Himeyuritower and so on.
Okinawa has
> a very different culture as main land of Japan. Even I do not understan
> people say. It is like a foreign country. I think everything in Okinawa is
> similar to Taiwan."

Snorkeling and Phillipino bars are two "must do" activities in Okinawa.