John W. <> wrote:
> On Sunday, April 22, 2012 3:46:31 PM UTC-5, wrote:
> > OK, just go back (Mar 29 - Apr from my bi-or-tri-ennial trip to
> > Japan. We had to book my ticket about 7 months ago (mileage ticket)
> > so we TRIED to anticipate hanami; missed it by about a week. Saw the
> > beginnings, but...

> I am envious, both that you went and that you were able to use points to
> get there (and for hotel). Every time I try, I can't. Maybe next time.

We have an ANA Visa card, and use it to buy pretty much everything. That
adds up the points. And since we went out-of-season, the hotel was available.
Most times, it isn't.

Good luck.
