John W. <> wrote:
> On Jan 26, 9:09?pm, wrote:
> > John W. <> wrote:
> > > This is one evil dude.
> > >
> >
> > Yeah, you kinda gotta wonder about someone who thinks this is a "good idea".
> >
> From a Dr. Evil perspective, it's genius. Sounds like something from
> Saw or one of those other sick movies.

> Wouldn't the acid have eaten away at the eye drop bottle? I guess it
> could've been glass.

Most acids are stored in plastic bottles safely, esp. below 6 Molar (if
you don't know what that means, don't worry). Some acids will etch 
glass. Didn't say what kind the jerk used, but possibly strong boric, or
diluted sulfuric (battery) acid. 

Bad as it is, good thing he didn't use lye (drain cleaner.) That reacts
specifically with the cornea.
