"Lave Voronov" <eval@ev-a.net> wrote in message
> > Rei has Lillith's soul.  Which is why Rei is so strange during
> > the show:  The soul of the mother of humanity in the body
> > of a teenage clone is a major mismatch.
> Rei has the soul of Yui Ikari.  Her body was made from
> lilith to house the soul until Gendo could prepare to be
> with her again.

From the End of Evangelion Theatrical Program, an official canon

[Rei Ayanami]
The First Children, and dedicated pilot of Eva-00.  A young girl
who apparently lacks emotions.  Her body was created from the
salvaged remains of Yui Ikari after Yui was taken into the Eva,
and numerous Rei clones were then prepared in Terminal Dogma
so that when one Rei dies she can be replaced by another.  The
present Rei is the third.  The first was killed by Dr. Naoko Akagi,
and the second died in battle against the 16th Angel.  Although
 the personalities of these three Rei differ from one another, this is
due to environmental factors.  Their soul is one and the same, and
it appears to have been that of Lilith.  At the final stage of the
Instrumentality Project, Rei betrayed Gendou, returned to Lilith of
her own judgment and entrusted the future to Gendou's son --
Shinji Ikari.  Birth date: unknown

Here it is stated that Rei had Lilith's soul, and a body that was
created out of the salvaged remains of Yui Ikari.

Michael Wignall
"Tomorrow's just an excuse away..."