On Tue, 29 Jun 2004 19:03:40 +0900, Ernest Schaal
<eschaal@max.hi-ho.ne.jp> wrote:

>in article d01d91db.0406282257.227218bb@posting.google.com, Mike Hobson at
>mikehobson111@hotmail.com wrote on 6/29/04 3:57 PM:

>> Raj Feridun or Shannon Jacobs or one of the two motherfuckers
>> scribbled:
>>> You must be a Republican. You sure debate like one anyway.
>> Oh, that hurts. Not. The impotent Shikoku-residing parks-operating
>> wanker is exposed as the phony piece of crap he is and then he speaks
>> about "Republican" methods of debate. What did you fucking contribute
>> to the "debate", idiot? Attempting to cast unrelated aspersions upon
>> Hitchens's credibility when he's torn up your Master Moore's
>> credibility? You know what, kiddo? I couldn't tell you "you debate
>> like a Democrat", in exchange. That would be flattering you
>> exceedingly. I've met plethoras of decent, logical, honest,
>> hard-working Democrats. My country was made great by mentally sane
>> Democrats and Republicans working together. (I voted for Reagan in
>> 1984 and for Clinton in 1996, you pathetic excuse for a human being.)
>> Your Moorish idol and his drooling lobotomized groupies are not among
>> them. Extreme right-wing or left-wing human shit such as you are only
>> parasites. A drop of fungicide takes care of both of you -- neo-Nazis
>> and Moorist asses.
>> cheers,
>> Mike

>I find myself in the unenviable position of having to defend Mr. Feridun.
>While I would agree he has been less than honest in his argument,
>attributing things to people that they did not say, he does not seem to
>deserve the extreme criticism that you have heaped up him. He definitely
>does not appear to be defecation or fungus.

Thanks, I think......

>As best as I can tell, he is a devout fan of Mr. Moore and a devout Bush
>hater, and as an extremely devout fan of Moore and extremely devout hater of
>Bush, he seems to have lost a certain objectivity that would be desirous of
>a rational individual. But that does not make him the equivalent of Shannon
>Jacobs, who I consider much worse. He lost some of his objectivity and
>honesty, but he hasn't completely lost his humanity.

I am no fan of George W. Bush. I don't even believe him to have been
elected in 2000. But I accept him as our current Commander-in-Chief
and have since he took the oath in January, 2001. I am a fan of
Michael Moore's films. I think he's a very talented filmmaker.

Does feeling this way automatically preclude me from being objective
politically? I don't see why it should.

>Of course he is going to cast unrelated aspersions upon Hitchens's
>credibility when Hitchen attacked Master Moore's credibility. That is what
>devout fans do when their idols are pointed out to have human flaws. That
>characteristic of the devout fan (of any type) is one of the things that
>make them unpleasant to be around, but that doesn't make him in the Shannon
>Jacobs league or the Kaz league. I haven't seen any indication that Raj is a
>racist or an ego-maniac, he simply has a blind-spot about his hero.

I was trying to point out that Hitchens is every bit the extremist
from the right side that Moore is from the left, Ernest. I said as
much. Why was that an "attack" on Hitchens? 

I really resent the "devout" remarks. I am trying to remind the Moore
haters to stick to attacking the allegations and not the filmmaker,
that's all.  I am no more a "devout" fan of Moore than I am a "devout"
fan of Steven Spielberg. I enjoy the films of both men. 

>His lack of objectivity isn't because he is a Democrat. After all, as you
>pointed out, there are a lot of decent, logical, honest, hard-working
>Democrats. Instead, it is symptomatic of being a devout fan, of any type. I
>have seen the same type of behavior of some of the anti-Clinton crowd.

>Being such a devout fan may be annoying for those around him, but he might
>be complete rationale as long as you stay away from political topics. I
>couldn't say the same about Mr. Jacobs or Kaz (whatever his last name may

No, Ernest, there must be some other reason why I rub you so much the
wrong way. You don't coincidentally hold contradictory political
opinions to me, do you?

All the rest, the devout stuff, etc is just a watered down version of
what this Mike character is up to. He's just not as sophisticated or
polite in his personal attacks as you.


Michael Moore is not "my hero", thank you. Is George W. Bush yours? I
didn't think so.