ADV: Book: The Bible Explained

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-----<front cover text>


A Guide to the Holy Bible
for Parents and Teenagers

-----<back cover text>

Where did you come from?
What is your purpose?
What happens when you die?

These questions--and more--are answered in 'The
Bible Explained', which is based on the teachings
of the Holy Bible. The Holy Bible is a collection
of ancient books which claim to be the word of the
one and only God. This one and only God claims to
be the sole creator, owner, and sustainer of all
things; he further claims to hold the one and only
key to eternal life. Are these claims true? Get
the facts and then decide for yourself.

This document is meant to be understood by everyone,
and is therefore written in plain, simple language,
avoiding complex religious jargon.

Understand the Bible like never before.

-----<table of contents>

Quest for Truth
The Holy Bible
Origin and Destiny
The Big Picture: Good and Evil
The Story of Man
The Purpose of the Earth
The Standard and the Test
Work: The Key to Success and Life
Pyramid Society
Failure of Man
Male and Female
Family Relationships
Marriage and Family
Sexual Immorality
The Value of Life
Multiplication and Overpopulation
Creation and Evolution
Words, Speech, and Censorship
Church Matters
Monotheism, Jews, and Christians
The Nature of Evil
Life and Death of Satan
The Rapture
The End Times
The Near Future
Preparing for the Future
Groups and Labels
Understanding Judgement
Preparing for Death
Appendix A: Questions and Answers
Appendix B: The Ten Commandments
Appendix C: Marriage


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TITLE: "The Bible Explained"
AUTHOR: "Arrant Knave"

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-----<excerpt from book>


This document aims to communicate a message -- a
message based on truth. Before we begin, we must
ask some fundamental questions: Does truth exist?
If so, what is it? What is it made of? What is its
source? What is its purpose? Truth is defined as
'that which is in accordance with reality', which
raises other questions: Does reality exist? If so,
how do we know? What is it made of? Consider the
following exchange between two fictional

TEACHER: Does the universe exist?
TEACHER: How do you know?
STUDENT: I can observe it.
TEACHER: With what?
STUDENT: My senses.
TEACHER: Are your senses the ultimate arbiter of
STUDENT: No. Senses can be deceived.
TEACHER: How did you get your senses?
STUDENT: I'm not sure.
TEACHER: Are your senses products of intelligence
or chance?
STUDENT: I don't know.
TEACHER: If your senses were products of chance,
would you trust them?
TEACHER: What do you trust?
STUDENT: Intriguing. I'm always willing to learn
from my elders. Suppose we turn the tables: Does
the universe exist?
STUDENT: How do you know?
TEACHER: The creator of it said so: "In the
beginning God created heaven and earth."
STUDENT: Do you trust this creator?
TEACHER: Because he cannot lie.
STUDENT: How do you know?
TEACHER: He said so.
STUDENT: Your view of the universe is based on
TEACHER: Yes. What is yours based on?
TEACHER: Where do you get these facts?
STUDENT: Science.
TEACHER: Scientists use their senses to make
observations, yet you said senses are unreliable.
Science does require observation, does it not?
TEACHER: Who observed the creation of the universe?
STUDENT: Science deals with the present, not the
TEACHER: Scientific knowledge changes: Something
may be considered true one day and proven false the
STUDENT: Theories change as new discoveries are
TEACHER: What if you die before science stumbles
upon the truth? Our predecessors died without the
benefit of modern science, yet each one chose a
foundation and destiny. Ultimately, we must each
choose between the solid rock of God's word and the
shifting sand of human wisdom.
STUDENT: I guess I'm not ready yet. I'll just keep
an open mind.

Open Mind: You cannot learn anything new if you
already know all things -- or believe you know all
things. If you are to learn something new, you must
not already be omniscient and you must also possess
an open mind and a willingness to question your
current notion of truth.

The Existence of Truth: Does truth exist? If the
universe exists, then truth must also exist, since
truth is the only absolute -- and nothing can exist
without an absolute foundation. Truth is the only
thing which has always been, will always be, and
never changes. Without truth, there is no absolute;
without the absolute, there is no foundation;
without a foundation, nothing can exist. Therefore,
if the universe exists, truth -- the foundation of
all things -- must also exist.

Foundational Assumptions: If we assume the
existence of the universe, then we must also assume
the existence of truth, since truth is the only
absolute -- and nothing can exist apart from an
absolute foundation. If we assume the existence of
truth, then we must identify the source of truth.
This document is based on the assumption that the
universe exists and that truth exists and that the
Holy Bible is true and that the allege author (God)
of the Bible is the source of truth.

The Holy Bible: This document is based on the
teachings of the Holy Bible. The Holy Bible is a
collection of ancient books which claim to be the
word of the one and only immortal being, who is
commonly referred to as 'God'. This one and only
God claims to be the sole creator, owner, and
sustainer of all things; he further claims to hold
the one and only key to life eternal. Are these
claims true? Get the facts and then decide for

The Message: The message of God is simple: 'I set
before you eternal life and eternal death. Choose
life that you may live. Life comes through the
keeping of the Ten Commandments. He who keeps the
Ten Commandments shall inherit life eternal; he who
refuses to keep the Ten Commandments earns death
eternal: for the wages of sin is death; and sin is
the transgression of the commandments.'

Target Audience

The purpose of this document is to introduce the
reader to the LORD God of the Bible, his nature and
plan for mankind, and to clarify certain
misconceptions about him and his word.

Target Audience: This document is aimed at parents
and teenagers who have unanswered questions about
the God of the Bible. Please answer this question:
'Does God exist?' If you answered 'yes' or 'no',
you are far wiser than I -- and there is no need
for you to read any further. If, however, your
answer is 'I don't know', keep reading; and, at the
end of this document, your answer should still be
'I don't know.' So, what's the point of reading
this document? No point: it's simply here to help
you pass some time and possibly expand your mind.

Why Parents: I am writing to parents because too
many parents are unaware of their responsibilities
towards their children. As the present is built
upon the past, even so is the current generation
built upon the previous. Every father has a God-
given obligation to provide sustenance, knowledge,
and guidance to his children -- from generation to
generation. However, there comes a time when this
link is broken, and, though it takes only one
generation to break the link, it may require
several generations to re-establish it. A lack of
parental guidance has produced a generation of
confused children -- children who are forced to
turn to other sources for guidance.

Why Teenagers: I am writing to teenagers because
the teen years tend to be the most unstable period
in a person's life; and it is the time in which we
are most likely to make errors which can affect the
remainder of our life. Thus, one of the aims of
this document is to provide spiritual guidance to
teenagers; to aid them in the various decisions
which they will inevitably face; and to demonstrate
to them that every action bears consequences.

Awareness and Responsibility: With awareness comes
responsibility; when a person becomes aware, he
becomes responsible. Therefore, if you are ignorant
of the word of God and comfortable with your
current lifestyle, please do not read this
document. The vast majority of humans desire
nothing beyond the grave, as is evident by their
self-centred lifestyle; there are some, however,
who desire (spiritual) life after death. The former
should refrain from reading this document; the
latter, however, are encouraged to continue

Spiritual and Carnal: There are two types of human
mindsets: spiritually minded and carnally minded.
The spiritual-minded comprehend all things, both
spiritual and physical; the carnal-minded
comprehend only the physical. Since this document
deals mostly with spiritual matters, it will serve
only to frustrate the carnal minded: "But the
natural man does not receive the things of the
Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him; nor
can he know them, because they are spiritually
discerned." [1 Corinthians 2:14]


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TITLE: "The Bible Explained"
AUTHOR: "Arrant Knave"

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-----<copyright notice>

The above excerpt from 'The Bible Explained' is copyright
2010 by Arrant Knave. All rights reserved. No part of this
document may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system
or transmitted in any form or by any means without the
prior written permission of the publisher, except by a
reviewer who may quote brief passages in a review to be
printed in a newspaper, magazine, or journal.

All scripture quotations, unless otherwise indicated, are
taken from the New King James Version (R). Copyright (C)
1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All rights

-----<end of book promotion>