"Xen0s*" <Xen0s@ba.it> wrote in message 
> "Brenden D. Chase" <brenden.chaseREMOVE@THISgmail.com> ha scritto nel 
> messaggio news:RrEwe.37510
>>>> http://tinyurl.com/bgvyp
>>> That surprises ANYONE?  Sony hasn't ever had AA on anything.
>> HAHA...  its been told that the AA will have to be programmed into a core 
>> in the cell.  Unlike Microsoft who paid more for an actual chip that does 
>> it.
> Cell can be post processing or vertex shading, AA is another thing, you're 
> a bit confused

so unconfuse me if you think i am.

explain your answer

>> Morons
> seems impossibile debate with sony fanbois without take the thread to 
> trash