The North Korean Communists: 1,663,000 PLUS THE RECENT YEARS FAMINES 5 MILLIONS MORE.

As can be seen in the 20th Century, the denial of nature and empiricism by
the radical environmentalist Marxists has resulted in the slaughter of
humans far beyond any that could be imagined (according to Rummel):

The Russian Communists: 61,911,000
The Chinese Communists: 35,236,000
The Cambodian & Vietnamese Communists: 3,705,000
The Yugoslavian Communists: 1,072,000
The North Korean Communists: 1,663,000
Total slaughtered from Marxists rejection of nature and evolution:

Total slaughtered by National Socialists who believed in genetics:

 Five times more people (excluding war dead) have been slaughtered in the
name of socialist egalitarianism and all of its unnatural flavors
Communists thought humans could be molded into anything they desired. We
were putty in the hands of the state, without passion, without purpose.
Humans were to be used for creating the state's vision of what ought to be,
not what humans desired and needed to make them feel whole and give meaning
to their lives. Communism, even without the deaths, tortures and famines
strips humanity of everything it is and wants to be. It is the antithesis of
life itself because it rejects life's natural mechanisms.

