On Wed, 07 May 2003 13:36:51 GMT, "Xelloss"
<xelloss51@NOSPAMsbcglobal.net> wrote:

>"Psaiyan Prince Vegeta" <ppvegeta@hotmail.communism> wrote in message
>> On 6 May 2003 22:14:38 -0700, smilinglord@hotmail.com (Hand-of-Omega)
>> wrote:
>> >Psaiyan Prince Vegeta <ppvegeta@hotmail.communism> wrote in message
>> >> Scrawny? Rei has bigger boobs than Asuka. Her figure is fantastic.
>> >
>> >Proof, please? Not from what I've seen, but I could be wrong...
>> A quick Google image search yielded this as the first image to really
>> prove my point...
>> http://www.theroseking.net/animehub/evangelion/evagirls.jpg
>The proportions in that pic seem rather contrary to what I've seen in
>other pics of the same. I blame it on artist bias.



Granted, there is not a huge difference (Asuka is stated as being a
B-cup, so I'd guess that Rei is a full B-cup), but Rei is definitely

Asuka is noticeably slimmer than Rei (though I prefer to think of Rei
as having a nicer ass), so perhaps her breasts do look larger in
proportion to her waistline...

>> Asuka is definitely perkier than Rei, but Rei has slightly bigger,
>> softer breasts.
>I always get the feeling that Rei's plugsuit augments her assets. Much
>like Meia Gisborn's (Vandread) uniform torso armor.

So would Asuka's. Rei looks bigger than Asuka with or without the

Reverend David "PPV" Hawthorne - 

I wish that I could turn back time,
'cos now the guilt is all mine.
Can't live without
the trust from those you love.
I know we can't forget the past
you can't forget love & pride,
because of that, it's killing me inside.

      / HENTAI \========@
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