On Sat, 28 Aug 2004 21:20:06 +0900, Eric Takabayashi
<etakajp@yahoo.co.jp> wrote:

>> Oops, I was actually only mugged once.

>I got that from the "a". My own incidents have never resulted in property
>damage or injury that received treatment, a blessing.

Glad to hear that.

>Were you satisfied with the workings of the system? 

I never filed any complaints. The guys that mugged me ran away. I
wasn't seriously injured thank goodness.

>People are so concerned about the falsely accused not being properly
>protected? So am I. How about those who never make it to trial because of
>lazy, incompetent or biased police? I've covered ways (even a single
>system) to prevent both.

I'm told the chief of police down here regularly goes golfing with the
local yakuza boss and they're the best of friends.