CL <> wrote:
> Jim Breen wrote:
> > chuckers wrote:
> >> Debito is probably going to *LOVE* this:
> > 
> > I'm 80:20  about Debito.  80% of the time I think he's making a fool
> > of himself, but 20% of the time I think he's saying and doing
> > things that I wish more gaigins would say and do. Often we bend
> > over backwards to accept and defend blatantly xenophobic
> > actions in the interest of having a quiet life and not making
> > a fuss.

> I have had a number of assignments in Hakodate, Tomakomae, Sapporo and
> Asahikawa that have involved visits with the local police.  You'd be
> surprised how much Being White But Not At All Like Debit can become the
> litmus test of whether Hokkaido Dou-kei will assist with information /
> assistance or not.

> I have met the two cops Debit "outed" at the Chitose Airport a couple of
> times in "other" venues and projects, and find it impossible to believe
> that the Great ID Caper could possibly have happened the way he writes
> it.  As a matter of fact, it appears as though he stalked them, made
> them obvious, and destroyed a major arrest operation that had taken
> about three months to put together.  Several career criminals avoided
> arrest that day thanks to his untiring efforts to be a complete asshole.
>  I guess the fact that they didn't just shoot him on the spot shows how
> truly calm, flexible, and collected the cops can be.

Or maybe they have to pay for their own bullets.
