In rec.backcountry pmh <> wrote:
> These folks talk of "stopping power" as if any conceivable round would
> out-mass any sort of onrushing person. The person blown 7 feet
> backward by a handgun (or even shotgun) is a myth of the movies. I can
> get a far better kneecap or shoulder shot under any conditions than I
> can "stop" another person. The extent of injury or loss of life may
> totally incapacitate an attacker, but the actual round never will of
> itself "stop" the attack and the onrushing momentum may well carry for
> some considerable space despite the attacker's having been
> incapacitated. Unless you have access to and house space *and elbow
> room*  for pretty sophisticated heavy stuff. The sort of stuff the
> average householder neither wants, understands nor can afford nor
> could use effectively. The thread began with fairly practical
> household considerations, not Charles Bronson or SWAT teams. Don't
> fantasize too strongly about meth-heads chasing Arnold Schwarzenegger
> through pounding trip hammers; that's Hollywood myth. A shattered
> kneecap equals a non-functioning leg. One-legged attackers aren't very
> proficient. Hint: for a bedroom scenario, aim just at prone level.

   In the movie "Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid," Butch admits he's 
never shot anyone before just as a shootout is about to begin.  Sundance 
advises him to "aim dead center - that way if you miss a little you'll 
still hit something."  I've confronted my share of crooks, always 
empty-handed, and I can tell you it takes about half an hour for the 
adrenaline to go away afterward.  Just because you can hit a paper 
target doesn't mean you'll perform the same under stress.  I think 
Sundance had a good point.
   If I were buying a gun for burglars or home invaders, I think I'd 
make it a 357 Magnum revolver.  You can shoot .38 Special ammo (which 
also costs less) in those things, or load them so that your first round 
is a .38, your second a 357.  Warning, though: if you miss your target, 
or maybe even if you hit him, that round has enough punch to go right on 
through your wall and into the next house or apartment.
