Several years ago, while I was thinking about dark matter and how we had 
misplaced 96% the matter in the universe, I realized that something was very 
wrong with how we perceived matter and that something was fundamentally 
wrong with physics. To think that 96% of the matter in the universe is 
invisible, right in front of our eyes and we can't see it except for its 
interaction with matter is a very unsettling thought. All we know about this 
dark matter is that it is responsible for holding our galaxies together. The 
conclusion that I reached was that their is something fundamentally wrong 
with the physics concerning matter and that their must have been a moment in 
our past where physics took the wrong path in its evolution. Since Albert 
Einstein marked the beginning of the age of modern physics with his Special 
Relativity theory I decided to begin there.

Einstein based his theory on the fact that light has the same speed for all 
observers. He didn't bother to determine why it is so, just that the Lorentz 
transformation must be a result of its fact. Since then, nobody has bothered 
to determine just why light travels at the speed that it does, and no other! 
Einstein did not bother to include the multidimensional state of matter, nor 
the possibility that time might be multidimensional even though he required 
the use of the square root of minus one in his equations. We should have 
known that their must be something wrong with Relativity when it disagreed 
with Quantum Mechanics, and when it predicted that it takes an infinite 
amount of energy to force a particle of mass to reach the speed of light! It 
is amazing that no one has determined why!

Ever since I was a graduate student I have been bothered that a particles 
mass must increase with its speed. That was the point when it became 
apparent to me that particles don't reach the speed of light, waves do; and, 
in particular, matter waves do. It then became a question of "when does a 
particle become a wave?"

A close examination of Quantum Mechanics shows that Schrodinger's equation, 
and, in particular, the operator for momentum, indicates that a particle's 
motion occurs as a wave; and as a wave it travels at the speed of light with 
an energy of h-bar omega. Thus a particle is stationary except when it is in 
motion as a wave! Relativity indicates that the wave travels in imaginary 
time and that the particle is stationary during real time.

An object travels at a speed v by converting a portion of its particles to 
waves, those waves displace a distance dx, and those waves then convert back 
to particles. This cycle continues until all the particles in the object are 
displaced a distance dx. Then these cycles repeat causing the object to move 
at the speed indicated. The distance dx is on the order of 10exp(-30) cm. 
during an imaginary time interval on the order of 10exp(-40) sec. The motion 
appears to be continuous. Motion on an object is similar to that of a Slinky 
moving down a staircase. During a cycle the particle's time has the form

T=T*{SQRT(1-VV/CC) + iV/C}

where the real part is the time during which the particle is at rest, and 
the imaginary part is the time during which the wave travels the distance 
dx. The real time is the time during which the particle ages. Mass does not 
age during imaginary time. This complex number has a magnitude which is 
conserved and is independent of speed. Likewise, the matter in the object 
has the form

M=M*{SQRT(1-VV/CC) + iV/C).

The real term is the mass of the object and the imaginary term is the 
equivalent mass of the wave, which comes from E=M*CC. The velocity of the 
object is then

v = cSIN(phi)

where phi is the phase of the complex numbers.

In the absence of a potential field the object will continue its motion by 
continuously performing the mentioned state changing cycles. In the presence 
of a potential field the object will accelerate by increasing or decreasing 
the number of particles each moment that undergo the state changing cycles. 
This theory of motion is seen to be quite different than Newton's F = MA. A 
particle in a field will be coaxed by that field into using its own energy 
to change its states and displace the distance dx. Motion does not have to 
be forced! With the proper field motion of an object can be enticed to 
happen naturally. An object can be enticed to reach relativistic speed by 
converting all of its mass into kinetic energy. The equations of Classical 
Mechanics can be derived from this model by making the approximation that v 
is much less than c.

We can now understand that all observers, no matter how fast they travel, 
will spend some time in the real dimension of time, during which they can 
measure the speed of light. Observers, being objects of mass, experience 
life in real time, and are completely unaware of imaginary time. During that 
real time all observers are stationary, at rest, and each will determine the 
same number for the speed of light! Also, the questions concerning 
Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle are resolved: a particle's position and 
momentum cannot be measured simultaneously simply because they don't occur 
at the same time. The relation for energy and time are equally resolved: A 
particle doesn't experience its kinetic energy except during imaginary time. 
It is amazing that Heisenberg had this insight concerning uncertainty 
without understanding why.

Their is one more thing about relativity that needs correcting: The 
requirement that all particles are stationary during their real time and 
travel at c, the velocity of light, during its imaginary time, means that 
matter "knows" what stationary is, or zero velocity, and that it "knows" the 
value of c. This requires that an absolute reference does exist! In which 
case Relativity really doesn't exist!! The principles of Relativity are now 
inherent in the principles and equations of Quantum Mechanics.

Formalization of this new Wave Theory of Matter will require the use of 
mathematics from Quantum Mechanics, fluid dynamics, Maxwell's equations and 
Maxwell-like equations concerning wave probabilities. We can see that a hole 
has a large curl and a relatively small divergence for its appetite for 
matter and its Hawking radiation, and that it exists entirely in its wave 
state and in imaginary time. A hole exists in a different place and time, 
appearing to us as a singularity. A star has a large kinetic energy 
requiring its mass to exist mostly in its wave state, and the star ages at a 
comparatively small rate. Dark matter is simply matter waves, or the dark 
side of matter. And microwave background radiation is really matter waves 
passing through "our" universe from outside. The subject of the Big Bang may 
have to be revisited now. Physics now takes on a modern flavor. And a 
unifying theory may be just around the corner.

So what does all of this mean? When we learn to produce the proper field 
artifically we will be able to entice an object into the desired motion 
without forcing it to do so. It will be a much more efficient way to produce 
motion. Transportation of people and goods will be done cheaply, 
efficiently, very quickly and silently without roads and the polution that 
is presently the case. We will be able to produce engines that don't use 
fossil fuel, and we won't have to fight wars to secure the remaining fuel on 
earth. Space travel to anywhere will be possible, and done in imaginary time 
without anyone aging in the process. A new source of energy will be 
available by using the field to convert any mass into kinetic energy and 
transforming this energy into a more useful form. This model holds answers 
to questions from every field of physics. Scotty, beam me up, the future is 

Ron ++++++
