Sleeping with your boss who also happens to be your dead mother's lover is
not a sign of a woman with a healthy self image! But that doesnt make her a
lesbian. Ritsuko admits that she uses people and does not think twice about
it, She lets Misato risk her life in the Jet alone sequence, though she
knows that the robot will not explode,

 There is a lot of doubt and confusion in her life and she has used her job
(and cats) as a substitute. But this does not make her a lesbian. I am also
sure that her mother's suicide and her own role at Nerv has left her
somewhat emotionally unstable.

In fact, is anyone in this story emotionally stable? Especailly the second
impact generation.


"Amani" <> wrote in message
> "goat" <goat@goat.goat> wrote in message
> > When I first watched the series, it was only when it was actually said
> that
> > Ritsuko was having sex with Gendo that I realised that she was
> heterosexual.
> > All throughout the previous eps, she was definately registering a 10 on
> > gaydar.
> >
> > There are so many hints that she is a lesbian. She says a few times that
> she
> > thinks that relationships between men and women are illogical, that she
> > "the sort of woman who'll never have children of her own" (I thought it
> was
> > pretty blatent that she was into women at that point) and she taunts
> Misato
> > about being the only one of their group of friends not married by the
> of
> > 30, but doesn't include herself in this. She also hates seeing Misato
> > Kaji (jealous of him?) and thinks that Shinji living with Misato is
> Relationships between men and women ARE illogical in that they are so
> different and hard to work. I've always considered that to be Ritsuko
> herself for falling for Gendou.
> You can be the sort who never wants children and not necessarily be a
> lesbian. >_> Perfectly common.
> So she teases Misato about being single. She knows that Misato still loves
> Kaji.
> When does she hate seeing Misato with Kaji? I just rewatched the series in
> the last week and failed to see that. In fact, she encourages both of
> in a way. She tells Kaji she thinks he still has a chance with Misato, she
> teases Misato about Kaji in that way friends do when they recognize their
> friend in love.
> The Shinji living with Misato thing is understandable. The age difference
> a little risque. Misato's too young and Shinji's too old for it to be a
> normal guardianship thing. And Ritsuko knows Misato has her own problems
> is certainly not capable of taking care of ANOTHER person, especially one
> with his own amount of problems.
> > Then there are the stereotypes, which anime is never shy of using. She
> lives
> > alone with a houseful of cats, she has short hair and a gruff voice (you
> can
> > tell there's testosterone there), she dresses in men's clothes when not
> > work and dresses to intimidate men when at work (under her labcoat it
> looks
> > like she's in bondage gear). Her jaw is pretty square which gives her a
> > male-looking face and she has an interest in what a lot of ppl would
> > "boy's toys" (you know, computers and electronics and shit). If I didn't
> > know better, Id say that Ritsuko was a 'lipstick lesbian'.
> Is the cats thing a lesbian stereotype? I always thought it was the old
> stereotype.
> Gruff voice? I don't hear that. o_O
> When does she dress in men's clothes outside of work? I'm trying to even
> remember clothes she wears out of work, as we rarely see her in that
> position... There's the outfit she wears to Misato's, blank tanktop
> with a light blue sleeveless button down tied at the bottom and
> shorts...doesn't seem too much like men's clothes to me.
> ...bondage gear? Not seeing that at all. Indeed, it looks like a black
> skirt, blue shirt, and a pair of pumps to me.
> > Does anyone else think that Anno originally intended for Ritsu to be a
> > lesbian, but changed his mind near the end of the series (there are a
> of
> > things in Eva that seem to be made up as the story unfolds)? t seems
> > her character does a complete 180 in the last 2 eps and she suddenly
> decides
> > that she is straight after all.
> Now, after totally disagreeing with most your points, I'm voting that
> Ritsuko's actually bisexual, and could've had a wonderfully cute
> relationship with Maya if not for the whole Gendou thing. Stupid Gendou.
> her relationship with Gendou is too important to her character to not have
> been mapped out from the beginning. It's the irony of her being so much
> her mother, who she hated in so many ways, including her relationship with
> Gendou.
> --Taryn