On Thu, 07 May 2009 17:12:16 -0700, L.Roberts wrote:

> On May 6, 9:13 pm, "Rita B. Flesh" <vintage_man...@yahoo.com> wrote:
>> If you don't believe in GOD, you'll go to HELL and you'll burn for all
>> eternity for the SIN of not believing in GOD.
>> GOD exists and you MUST believe in HIM. If you don't believe in HIM,
>> you're a SINNER and you'll burn in HELL.
>> End of discussion!!!
>> Believe or BURN IN HELL!!!
> What if you thought that the idea of the moon being made of green cheese
> was the stupidest thing you ever heard of, something you could never,
> would never believe, but, then, somebody offered you 100,000,000.00 if
> you would only believe it was true, only thing is, you would have to
> pass a lie detector test to collect. What do you think? Think you could
> cash in on it? Could you sincerely believe in a piece of superstitious
> bullshit if you really wanted to? Do you really expect me to?

No, but for a hundred mil I bet I could fool that lie detector. :-)
Frank Mayhar frank@exit.com     http://www.exit.com/