Medgya wrote:
> On May 18, 8:39 pm, CL <> wrote:
>> If it's data and not voice, then Willcom's Tsunagi Hodai is the way to
>> go ... although E-mobile is faster it may not yet be available in your
>> corner of The Great Road North.
> Thanks very much! It's mostly just to keep in E-mail contact with
> work, so I'm not too concerned about speed. Does anyone have
> experience using their services via a PCMCIA card on a Linux system?
> Oh, and does their service include IP connectivity, or do I need a
> separate contract with an ISP?
> I'll check them out, but just asking in case someone knows.

They have their own ISP or you can do a three-corner deal in which you 
keep your own ... at least, that's what I have done with GOL 'lo these 
many years.  Most of the cards can be configured for some flavor of 
Linux or other.  Suggest you check the TLUG Archives 
( for specific setup examples of cards in current 
use.  Someone just got one of the E-mobile Chinese-made 3.5Mbps cards 
running in Debian a week, or so, ago and it is always a hot topic.  I'm 
still trying to figure out why my Japanese character input in uim-anthy 
goes away every time I reboot Kubuntu, so I'm probably not the one to ask.
