"DeSorte" <tara@yourho.com> wrote in message 
> we are looking for a couple of managers to join our fantasy baseball
> leaguee on cbs.
> The league is in its 5th year and has a great core group of managers who
> are very competitive and fun to play with, and their is usually alot of
> great baseball talk to go along with the competition.
> This is also a private comissioners diamond league where evrybody plays
> all year and is serious about the game itself. so if you would like to
> join us and take us on, let me know.
> we are looking for managers who will be able to show up for the draft
> and who will stay active and involved in the league, not just with the
> game, but also the message board itself.
> The winner of the league will receive championship trophy as well as a
> baseball hat or shirt of your fav team
> If you might be interested in playing in our league please send email to
> DeSorteJ@yahoo.com and I will send you an invite
> below is some settings for the league that might be of interest:
> ?Live Draft is on sunday march 16th 04:00 pm ET. ( 25 rounds )
>        League name: Daisy Diamond Leaguee 2008
>        live scoring and stats and chatroom access during evry game
>        12 teams will be in the leaguee/ 2 divisions of 6 teams each
>        AL and NL Players used
>        weekly lineup changes and scoring periods
>        Head - to - Head points based scoring
>        trade process : league voting ( 1 day voting time )
>        schedule is customized to center mostly around divisonal
> matchups
>  if you would like to play send email to DeSorteJ@yahoo.com