So I'm bored from cleaning the house and so to relax, I thought a nice
little rest and some brain draining from the boob tube is called for.

So The History Channel has some stuff about the Japs and Krauts and WW
II. But what they have, is a bunch of aholes singing the praises of
the Japs and Krauts inventivness and air power during the war.

I tell you, I laughed like mad in some parts as I recalled that we
bombed the shit out of both countries and brought them to their knees
in surrender.

But you'd think from watching this, they'd fucking won the damn war!!

Ah well, I can assure you they didn't. You are reading this in
English, I eat American made rice and I do as I please and not due to
some fucked up sense of honor to ancestors or shit like that.