> * Too Incompetent to Carry Out 9/11? - Not so fast. Are Bush,
>   Cheney and Rumsfeld really that incompetent?

Two outa three ain't bad...

> * Bush Outsources the Task of Catching bin Laden -  the Bush
>   administration pays the Pakistani government $1 billion a year
>   to hunt down Osama bin Laden, and demands zero accountability

Traaaanslation: The USA appeases Pakistan to keep OBL alive, on dialysis, 
protected, and near a cell-phone with Bush's private number on its speed 

> * "I Helped The U.S. Army Plan The 9/11 Attacks"
> * Regarding false flag operations - When you want to stage a
>   false-flag operation, do you need a vast conspiracy? - No.

You therefor also don't need any freaking controlled demolition...
