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In article <E4B53E75.DB754D11@>
        bozo@juno.com writes:
 |Path: news.open-news.com!news.nerimadors.or.jp!news.daionet.gr.jp!!gcd.org!leaf.gcd.org!news.unit0.net!club-internet.fr!feedme-small.clubint.net!news.astraweb.com!border1.a.newsrouter.astraweb.com!hwmnpeer01.ams!hwmnpeer01.lga!news.highwinds-media.com!hw-filter.lga!newsfe16.lga.POSTED!53ab2750!not-for-mail^M
 |From: bozo@juno.com (Kaye Y. Muldoon, Esq.)^M
 |Message-ID: <E4B53E75.DB754D11@>^M
 |Newsgroups: japan.admin.feed-check^M
 |Subject: O_R_I_G_I_N_A_L____C-O_H_I_B-A___C-I-G-A-R-S-......zRY2D6DS^M
 |Lines: 33^M
 |Date: Sun, 21 Oct 2007 10:30:56 GMT^M
 |X-Complaints-To: admin@cox.net^M
 |X-Trace: newsfe16.lga 1192970589 (Sun, 21 Oct 2007 05:43:09 MST)^M
 |NNTP-Posting-Date: Sun, 21 Oct 2007 05:43:09 MST^M
 |Organization: Cox^M
 |Xref: news.open-news.com japan.admin.feed-check:5675^M
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